Welcome to Five Star Handyman Network.

I'm Jeff Duggin, President of Five Star Handyman Network. I left my 27,000 square foot fabrication facility in Nashville, TN to start my handyman company because I was tired of being tied down and not having the freedom to do what I wanted to.
I quickly realized, from other handymen in the area (some that had 30+ years of experience) that I was making two to three times what they were making per hour and I had more time off. 

How did I do it?

My one advantage is that I have over 20 years of sales and marketing experience. This allowed me to understand how to better position myself for attaining my goals. I also realized that, as a handyman, sometimes I just want to work and not worry about marketing details. So, I developed Five Star Handyman Network. Our network makes over 20 years of marketing experience accessible to you, instantly!

What are the benefits of Five Star Handyman Network?

  • PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE - We advertise the services you offer, through this website, in your area and the site grows as you do. Marketing pages are added depending on what you want to offer in your market. Take a look around the site. You will be the only Handyman promoted in your chosen Market Area and you'll get ALL of the calls and emails forwarded directly to your phone and email.
  • VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED SOURCE OF LOW-COST LEADS - If you have been a handyman for a little while you probably have gotten a call from one of those national companies offering to sell you leads. How would you like to get those leads anyway and at a fraction of the price and before your competition?
  • UNSURPASSED MARKETING STRATEGY - Not only do we go after the jobs that the national companies try to dominate in your area, we also use other methods and sources to increase your impact and lessen your advertising costs.
  • LESS COMPETITION - When you buy overpriced leads from a national lead generation company, they also sell the same leads to others. If you capture the leads first, most of the time you eliminate having be one of three or four bids a customer is getting. Increasing the chances of securing the job before anyone else.
  • STAY SMALL OR GROW WITH CONFIDENCE - Whether you want to stay a one man operation or run multiple crews, you have complete control. Through our proven marketing strategy, you can focus on jobs that take a specific time frame, from thirty minutes to thirty days, or jobs that require a specific number of people to complete. Or, just focus on jobs you enjoy doing.
  • FIVE STAR VERIFICATION - Five Star Handyman Network is the only verification company in the industry that serves only handymen. We have a short criteria list that our handymen maintain to ensure customers that who they have invited into their home is reputable and safe.

How are we different from a franchise?

  1. EXTREMELY LOW UPFRONT COSTS - Our upfront costs are only around 2% of traditional franchises.
  2. YOU HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL - You choose your own procedures, policies, parts, supplies, and techniques.......In short, you are your own boss! You are not making hamburgers and handyman work is inconsistent, at best, because no two jobs are alike. So the old and tired franchise model has absolutely no value in the Handyman Industry.
  3. YOU KEEP YOUR PROFIT -  Every year, franchisees have to pay a portion of their profits to the head company. So, the more you make, the more you pay. We have one monthly membership fee based upon the size of the area you want to market to. Five Star Handyman Network actually costs you less as you grow your business.
  4. NO NET WORTH REQUIREMENT - Most franchises require you to have a networth of anywhere between $100,000 and $350,000 prior to working with you. This should be a sign as to how unpredictable franchises are. If I have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars, on hand, to make sure the franchise survives and I am not that interested. It sounds like they are really not confident in the product their franchise provides. Thanks, but no thanks!
  5. MORE TIME OFF - Franchises are so expensive and so burdensome they force you to work all the time. One franchise requires you to spend a minimum $3000 monthly on advertising. How long does it take to recoup this outrageous cost and to then make a profit? Wouldn't you agree that It make more sense to focus on areas that get the same amount of business for less cost? 
  6. GROW AT YOUR OWN PACE - Because you won't be forced to spend more, than the GDP of some small countries, you can grow your business at the rate you want to. Grow your tool supply as you do jobs. Take jobs that allow to to have employees or jobs that just require you.
  7. FREE TRAINING - This is one of the areas where franchises used to be of value. However, due to the day and age we are in, you can usually find all of the training resources you need at the tips of your fingers and mostly free as well. Everything from professional videos on how to perform jobs including supplies and tools needed to management software can be found online. Having mutiple sources of training material and software available can make you more effecient, produce better results and make you far more money than any one source's policies ever will.

What's required for Five Star Membership and Verification?

  • DRUG FREE - All the owners and officers of the handymen companies that carry our Five Star Verification commit to an initial drug test and to random testing while Verified.!
  • LICENSED AND INSURED - The companies are required to carry continuous general liability insurance as well as a business license for their marketing area which is verified annually. 
  • NO CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS - Pass an extensive criminal background check and have no felony convictions for ten years, no criminal convictions for five years and no sexual convictions what-so-ever.
  • 2 YEARS OF PRIOR EXPERIENCE - Demonstrate a minimum two years of work experience in an industry pertaining to handyman work, such as remodeling, plumbing, electrical, construction, etc.
  • CREDIT RATING OF 675 OR ABOVE - This is the one area of our Five Star Verification process that is somewhat flexible depending on other factors.
  • 4.5 STAR RATING OR HIGHER - Must build and maintain a 4.5 star rating or higher on Google or other similar rating services including Five Star Network's star rating system.

The choice is yours!

You can pay some franchise alot of money for keeping you bound to endless rules and regulations. Or, you can do it your way, on your time frame and be in charge of your life instead of making some other guy's dreams come true.

Call today!

or by Email Below

 I want to say "thank you" for your confidence in Five Star Handyman and for your business!


Five Star Handyman Network
2546 Summit Ct.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130


Email: jeff@fivestarhandymannetwork.com
Phone: 615-900-0531

© Copyright 2019 Five Star Handyman Network - All Rights Reserved. *Five Star Handyman Network is a paid advertising service connecting home and business owners with handyman businesses in their local area. We strive to connect people with highly qualified local contractors. Five Star Handyman Network makes no warranties, stated or implied, nor does it accept responsibility for any contractor, company, qualifications, experience, licenses, work performed, work contracted, background, damage, liabilities, results, promises, contracts, agreements, claims, judgements, etc, you may experience or contract with. By utilizing this network your are agreeing to hold Five Star Handyman Network harmless for and from any and all responsibilities or outcomes in regard to, but not limited to, the aforemensioned items, and release Five Star Handyman Network from any and all claims you may be entitled to. Please see terms and conditions for more details...